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Capital Bay

Vision & Mission

Our vision is to create access to high-quality, affordable housing and sustainable living environments that benefit everyone. Through responsible investments, technologies and partnerships, we want to bring about positive change that improves people's quality of life and creates sustainable value.

Our mission is to become the leading platform for integrated real estate solutions in Germany. We invest, manage, build and operate real estate across the entire life cycle - all from one integrated platform. We place particular emphasis on creating living spaces that meet the needs of their residents and foster communities in everyday life.

George Salden, CEO Capital Bay Group - Your holistic real estate investment platform

Letter from the CEO.

Corporate philosophy

From building to living environment

The transformation from a rigid building to a vibrant living environment turns spaces into places that promote coexistence and noticeably improve the quality of life. We envision a world in which real estate does more than just provide space - it actively invests in people's lives. Buildings are not just objects, but active partners in the everyday lives of their residents. They adapt to individual needs and create an atmosphere that promotes well-being.

Imagine a living space that responds flexibly to the needs of its users and adjusts the lighting, temperature and music to suit the mood or time of day. Communal spaces are designed to strengthen togetherness and encourage encounters between neighbors. Such properties not only offer physical protection, but are equipped with advanced technologies that support learning, promote health and make daily life easier.

In this world, real estate is not just buildings, but living environments - places that contribute to the personal development and well-being of their residents. This vision is an achievable goal. With the progressive development of technology, creative ideas and interdisciplinary collaboration, we are making the transition from rigid structures to vibrant, people-centered spaces. This is what inspires us and drives us forward every day.

| George Salden, Gründer & CEO Capital Bay Group


Our management team

With a clear focus on investing, managing, building and operating, Capital Bay is committed to an integrated strategy that promotes the success of our clients and real estate projects.

Our management combines management functions, services and regional expertise to ensure excellent service and sustainable results.

George Salden

CEO, Capital Bay Group

Seit der Gründung von Capital Bay im Jahr 2016 leitet George Salden die strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens, verantwortet Transaktionen und baut langfristige Partnerschaften auf. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in Führungspositionen hat er Transaktionen im Wert von mehr als 8 Milliarden Euro erfolgreich umgesetzt. Zusätzlich ist er Autor des Fachbuchs „Die Dynamische Methode“ und Mitentwickler der Bewertungs- und Transaktionssoftware UVALUATE, die später zu 21ST weiterentwickelt und anschließend an die Scout24-Gruppe verkauft wurde.

Rolf Engel

CFO, Capital Bay Group

Rolf Engel ist als CFO der Capital Bay Group verantwortlich für das Finanz-und Rechnungswesen sowie das Fund Geschäft des Unternehmens. Als Executive Chairman der Capital Bay Fund Management leitet er das voll-regulierte Geschäft in Luxemburg. 2011 war er einer der beiden Gründer der International Campus Group, die er in verschiedenen Führungspositionen erfolgreich aufgebaut hat. Als ehem. CEO und Vorstandsmitglied verschiedener Handelsbanken, int. Brokerhäuser und Beteiligungsunternehmen verfügt er über umfassende Erfahrung hinsichtlich int. Kapitalmärkte, des Investment Bankings und des Beteili-gungsgeschäfts/ Venture Capital. Der studierte Mediziner, Träger eines MBA und Immobilienökonom (ebs) blickt auf ein Transaktionsvolumen von mehr als 10 Mrd. Euro zurück.


Capital Bay in Germany and internationally

Capital Bay is represented at various locations in Germany and internationally. The main location in Germany is in Berlin, while our company headquarters are in Luxembourg. We are also represented worldwide by branches, subsidiaries and cooperations. Here you will find an overview of our most important locations.

Capital Bay Group SA -Firmensitz-

2, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg

+352 2866 9489 1

Bahnhofstrasse 37, 8001 Zürich

 +41 43 49734 31

 10/F YF Life Tower, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

 +852 3596 2380


-Hauptstandort Deutschland-

 Sachsendamm 4-5, 10829 Berlin, Deutschland

 +49 30 120866 20

 Gutenberg-Galerie, Gutenbergplatz 1c, 04103 Leipzig, Deutschland

 +49 341 393784100

 Königstr. 25, 01097 Dresden, Deutschland

 +49 351 8103 330

 Gutenbergstr. 103, 14467 Potsdam, Deutschland

 +49 331 275000

 Mayfarthstraße 19, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

 +352 286694 891

 Vahrenwalder Str. 269A, 30179 Hannover, Deutschland

 +49 30 120866262

 Seelandstr. 3, 23569 Lübeck, Deutschland

 +49 30 120866262

 Berliner Allee 59, 40212 Düsseldorf, Deutschland

 +49 30 120866262

 Leipziger Str. 11, 90522 Oberasbach, Deutschland

 +49 911 37789 244

Marstall M1, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany

 +49 7141 971640

Kaiserstr. 54, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany

 +49 7131 5980114

Schlossstr. 14, 82031 Grünwald, Germany

 +49 89 6496000

Erfolgsstory 21st Real Estate

From invention to exit

Where is the real estate market growing? Where is it shrinking? The 21st software gives the answer, values become recognizable.

Inventor and founder George Salden led the pioneering software from the initial idea to its successful sale to the Scout24 Group.

We will find the ideal solution for your real estate project. Our aim is to develop the optimum overall product comprising financing, construction, rental and sale - and to take into account exactly what is important to you.

Get in touch


Germany —Capital Bay GroupSachsendamm 4-5,10829 Berlin
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