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Capital Bay Fund Management - Luxemburg

Alternative Investment

Fund Manager (AIFM)

Capital Bay Fund Management

Global options, individually customized

As an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) in Luxembourg, Capital Bay offers both professional and semi-professional investors a strong platform for global investment strategies. This includes direct and indirect investment opportunities, both regulated and unregulated. They include real estate, private equity and debt instruments and are optimally tailored to your individual investment objectives.

Our commitment

Creating the future together.

At Capital Bay, we are resolutely committed to a sustainable future. Our focus is on green and social developments that not only meet global sustainable real estate goals, but also embody the heart of modern and urban living.

A unique feature of our strategy is the development of project developments in modular construction with the world market leader Daiwa House - our joint venture partner. This innovative and forward-looking approach not only enables the efficient use of resources, but also the rapid and cost-effective implementation of housing solutions. Our aim is to work together to create a liveable and sustainable future for everyone.

ESG disclosures

Sustainability as part of our investment strategy


High regulatory certainty

Capital Bay operates three regulated management companies in Luxembourg. Our flagship company, Capital Bay Fund Management, is fully authorized by the CSSF in Luxembourg as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM). It extends its services through its German branch and additional offices in Zurich and Hong Kong.


International sales

We offer international investment funds, white label fund solutions and an extensive portfolio of proprietary funds tailored to the individual needs of global investors. Thanks to our in-depth market knowledge and global networks, we provide international investors with efficient access to attractive investment opportunities and optimized returns.


Compliance & Policies

Here you will find important information and guidelines on legal and regulatory issues relating to the protection of your data, complaint management and your voting rights.

Our Partners



East German residential property markets: Leipzig, Dresden, Magdeburg and the Berlin area are the hotspots
Economic development in Dresden, Leipzig and Magdeburg, among others, leads to increased demand for residential space Bottoming out in Leipzig and Dresden - yield expectations stable Lack of residential space in Berlin is attracting more and more Berliners to...
Capital Bay and Gulf Islamic Investments plan to purchase senior living properties for up to €100 million for CB GII Senior Living Fund I
Erster gemeinsamer Senior-Living-Fonds mit GII aufgelegt +++ Neuer CB GII Senior Living Fund I soll mit einem Investitionsvolumen von bis zu 500 Millionen Euro ausgestattet werden +++ Projektakquisition bereits in…
Capital Bay: New structure for further growth
Capital Bay founds SA under Luxembourg law +++ Company becomes marketable +++ Talks about new supervisory board

Management Team

Rolf Engel

CFO, Capital Bay Group

Thorsten Steffen

Risk & Compliance Board Member & Conducting Officer (

Thorsten Joerss

Finance & Operations Board Member & Conducting Officer (

Find out more about investment opportunities in German real estate. We offer flexible investment strategies in various asset and risk classes, taking into account social and sustainability criteria - for your optimal overall strategy.

Get in touch


Luxembourg —Capital Bay Fund Management Sàrl2, rue Jean Monnet,L-2180 Luxembourg
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