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Capital Bay receives mandate from Swiss Prime Investment Foundation


Capital Bay, an internationally active alternative investment manager headquartered in Berlin, has been entrusted by the Swiss Prime Investment Foundation with the mandate to act as pan-European investment and asset manager for the newly launched "SPA Living+ Europe" investment group. The mandate initially covers the German, French, Dutch and Belgian markets and is designed for the long term. SPA Living+ Europe" invests in European real estate with various attractive, age-appropriate forms of residential use. The focus is on senior living. For diversification purposes, types of use such as student housing, serviced apartments and micro living are also included. Capital Bay is also responsible for the property management of the real estate. The target yield of the new investment group is four to five percent and the target volume is over one billion euros. Investors will be Swiss pension funds and pension schemes. 

Our mandate with Swiss Prime: to the case study - Senior Living

Der CFO der Capital Bay, Rolf Engel, kommentiert: „Capital Bay agiert als Spezialist und als in den verschiedenen europäischen Märkten lokal verankerter Partner für das neue Anlageprodukt. An 21 Standorten mit über 250 Mitarbeitern weltweit verwalten wir zurzeit mehr als 6,6 Milliarden Euro Assets under Management. Die Schwestergesellschaft 360 Operator mit über 11.000 Microwohneinheiten und mehr als 5.000 Angestellten in 6 europäischen Ländern vervollständigt diese einzigartige Plattform. Sie bietet die Möglichkeit, ein ganzheitliches Joint Venture einzugehen, das die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette als auch den gesamten Immobilienlebenszyklus im Bereich 360° Living abdeckt. Die breite geographische Aufstellung der Anlagegruppe und der Nutzungsmix schaffen Diversifikationsvorteile. Zusammen mit der geplanten Rendite von vier bis fünf Prozent ergibt das ein spannendes Anlageprodukt, insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund des aktuellen Mangels und Investitionsdrucks.“ 

In the start-up phase, the investment focus of "SPA Living+ Europe" is on the real estate markets of Germany and France. In the growth phase, other European countries may be added with the exception of Switzerland. Investors can invest separately in the investment group "SPA Living+ Europe hedged", "SPA Living+ Europe unhedged" or both investment groups simultaneously. The first issue for the investment group is scheduled for the period from October 1 to December 22, 2020. All details on the issue will be available on the Swiss Prime Investment Foundation website from October 1:
Contact Capital Bay:
Rolf Engel CFO 
Sachsendamm 4/5
10829 Berlin

About Swiss Prime Investment Foundation: 

The issuer and manager of the SPA products is Swiss Prime Investment Foundation, Olten. The custodian bank is Zürcher Kantonalbank. The prospectus, articles of association, regulations and investment guidelines as well as the latest annual report and factsheets can be obtained from the Swiss Prime Investment Foundation. Admitted as direct investors are tax-exempt pension funds domiciled in Switzerland and legal entities that manage collective investments of tax-exempt pension funds, are supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and invest funds exclusively for these institutions with the Investment Foundation. 

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